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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Energetica

Orientation for the Master's Degree in ENERGETIC ENGINEERING (for undergraduates and first-level graduates)


The intensive use of energy has revolutionised our lives, and energy needs are set to grow ever greater. In recent years, with the massive entry of renewable sources, the energy paradigm has undergone a radical revolution, transforming its quasi-institutional essence into a market product, where distributed generation and the combined production-consumption approach are profoundly reshaping the demand-supply scenarios.  In this context, accurate knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of energy systems and their components becomes essential to control and improve the operation and performance of the systems, even complex ones, that are made up of them. 
In-depth knowledge of the disciplines of the Energy area provides skills in energy plant design (both conventional and renewable), in the design of machines and energy conversion systems. Particular emphasis is also given to the design of propulsion systems for mobility (internal combustion engines, hybrids and aero engines), to the thermodynamic and economic optimisation and minimisation of the environmental impact of conventional, renewable energy and hybrid energy systems, as well as their integration with electrical machines. 
The main reference disciplines are applied thermodynamics, energy systems, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, combustion, integration of propulsion components applied to machines and complex energy conversion systems.
The main job opportunities are in the industrial energy and machinery sector, in the freelancer and/or public administration, in the civil, industrial and renewable energy sectors. 
The Master's degree course in ENERGY ENGINEERING offers two tracks: the ENERGY track and the MACHINES track. The first is more focused on the use and consumption of energy and therefore mainly studies thermal systems and renewable energies. The second path focuses on machines (mainly turbomachines) used to convert energy.
last update: 29-Dec-2020
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